You may or may not believe but research says that we say a lot without actually speaking. Non-verbal communication, including body language and facial expressions, allow others to gauge our emotions.

Since non-verbal is involuntary on most occasions, therefore, it is difficult to fake. It can reinforce, substitute, or contradict verbal messages, significantly influencing how others interpret our communication. Our non-verbal cues play a critical role on how others perceive us in the moment.

In professional settings, these non-verbal signals play a critical role in shaping perceptions of an individual’s skill, confidence, and potential. Unfortunately, non-verbal communication cannot be hidden unless you are talking on phone. If you feel that your speaking skills are not doing enough to command a friendly happy vibe and respect from your colleagues, then you may be reflecting some non-verbal cues that are hampering your progress. In this post, we look to identify the common most ones.

Is it Normal to feel Insecurity at Workplace, and if yes, then how one deals with it?

The pressure and intensity of many workplaces can evoke feelings of self-doubt and insecurity, even among those typically confident, and it’s precisely in these moments of insecurity that our non-verbal communication is not completely involuntary but also unfiltered which others can easily see.

In a workplace, its not uncommon for people to judge each other’s confidence and capability through non-verbal cues. Insecurity, if displayed through non-verbal communication can hinder professional credibility and success.

The first step in addressing workplace insecurity is to pinpoint its root causes, whether stemming from specific tasks, responsibilities, or interpersonal dynamics with colleagues or supervisors. Reflecting on these aspects can yield valuable insights into underlying factors contributing to feelings of insecurity.

Building self-confidence is imperative for overcoming workplace insecurity. This can be achieved by recognizing and celebrating strengths, accomplishments, and areas of expertise. Additionally, seeking support from supportive colleagues, mentors, or friends who offer encouragement can be immensely beneficial.

By mastering non-verbal communication and addressing insecurity constructively can propel individuals towards success, collaboration, and effective leadership in today’s workplace.

3 Non-verbal mistakes that display insecurity and how to deal with them.

Recognizing non-verbal expressions of insecurity, especially in the workplace, can help in understanding colleagues better and fostering a more supportive environment. Let’s take a closer look at three common non-verbal mistakes that can signal insecurity, especially at work environment: –

  1. Avoiding Eye Contact: Failing to maintain consistent eye contact during conversations, interviews, or presentations may imply a lack of confidence or engagement. This can be interpreted as shyness, disinterest, or even dishonesty. To improve, practice making regular eye contact, ensuring it’s not overly intense, as prolonged staring can be seen as aggressive. Instead, aim for mutual gazing, where eye contact is made when agreeing, actively listening, or exchanging ideas. This fosters a sense of connection and trust.
  2. Licking or Biting Your Lips: In moments of insecurity, individuals may display nervous habits like licking or biting their lips. These actions often stem from tension and an unconscious effort to alleviate discomfort. Stay aware of your body language and any tendencies to engage in lip licking or biting during conversations. When these behaviors arise, take a deep breath to center yourself and consciously relax your facial muscles.
  3. Unusual Handshake: A handshake that is too weak or overly firm can convey insecurity or arrogance, respectively. Similarly, a handshake that lingers for too long may suggest desperation or an attempt to compensate for perceived inadequacies. Strive for a balanced and confident handshake that reflects professionalism and respect. Aim for a firm grip that exudes confidence without being overly forceful. Practice your handshake technique with friends or colleagues to refine your approach.
Crossed Arms or LegsThis is often a sign of defensive posture when the person feels insecure due to stature, payscale or looks of the other individual.
Nervous LaughingEver seen your colleague laughing at times excessively even when the situation wasn’t too funny? Chances are that he was insecure for some reason and tried to compensate with nervous laughing.
FidgetingExcessive fidgeting, such as tapping fingers, playing with hair, or shifting in one’s seat, can indicate nervousness or discomfort, often linked to feeling insecure.
Other signs of insecurity


We often lay a huge emphasis on things that come out of our mouth but by sharpening your awareness of subtle non-verbal signals and purposefully aligning them with our verbal communication, we can project confidence and convey a sense of self-assurance, competence, and composure – even in the face of internal doubts.