Do you know what is the synonym of Rudeness in today’s era? Deliberate Late Replying. Genuine circumstances like work commitments and medical emergencies can compel your friend to push down the priority of replying you, however there are scenarios when people love attention and desire from your messages and do not have the courtesy of timely replying.

I am not talking about scenarios where you are expecting timely replies from folks with whom you do not get along currently. You may have witnessed that some of your friend show deliberate half-heartedness in conversation texts by replying late even though no urgencies are occupying their mind. Their late replies may not equal agony but it certainly irritates you. For them, you definitely need to come up with funny replies upon receiving their late reply.

Oh so sweet of your reply. I was really waiting for it!

I started to think that you were training carrier pigeons to send the messages. I hope they are not lost.

Did your phone revolted and joined monastery before taking a vow of silence?

Welcome back from the hibernation my friend! I’m relieved you’re back from your digital sabbatical. How’s life in the slow lane?

Funny Responses

You know I was really worried that your reply got lost in the bermuda triangles of texts.

Did you sent your reply through a world tour before it reached me?

I was about to go to the police station to file a missing report about your text reply.

I am feeling so glad that you remembered to reply the messages after eternity.

If there was an Oscar award for being fashinably late, it should always go to You!

Well, Well, Well. You are finally replying after a century.

Oh you are alive? I thought you were a goner.

I was about to initiate a rescue mission for my missing text buddy. Crisis averted

I was starting to think your phone was on airplane mode… on an actual airplane.

Sarcastic Responses

Thanks for keeping me on the edge of my seat, waiting for your response. It’s great for my core muscles.

I was wondering that I would get your reply in my afterlife. Thank you for replying before I passed out.

You deserve a gold medal for practicising the ancient art of delayed communication.

I thought your text was on a coffee break. Hope it enjoyed the caffeine boost!